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1ST Capacity Building Activity for the European Program PRIORITY: “PRomotIng Open Resilient Inclusive socieTIes for Youth”

The 1st capacity building within the framework of the European program ERASMUS + KA3 ” PRIORITY: PRomotIng Open Resilient Inclusive socieTIes for Youth ” is being held in Larissa at the Center of Lifelong Learning “Innovation” from 26/6 /19 to 28 / 6 / 2019.
Some of the main themes that will be discussed and developed throughout the 1st capacity building activity are:
-Understanding radicalization and how it is related to marginalization
-Youth work as a tool for preventing marginalization and radicalization
-How to set up a PRIORITY Hub
-Business and financial plan for a PRIORITY Hub
-Which collaboration skills are required for a PRIORITY Hub-Communication Workshop
-Collaborative workshop, interactive collaborative game using game theory, role playing and small-group work
Find out more about: Priority