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The Kick-off TPM for the YouPart project has been successfully implemented!

YouPart is a 30-month Erasmus+ project that aims to encourage young people  to become active citizens, help prevent youth social exclusion, and improve the impact of their decisions at a policy-making level.

The YouPart Kick-off Meeting took place in Vienna from 31st March to 1st of April 2022. Partners from Austria (Bundesweites Netzwerk Offene Jugendarbeit, Südwind), Greece (KAINOTOMIA), Italy (WeWorld, Associazione Culturale Oltre), Serbia (Narodni Parliament, Timocki Omladinski Centar), Slovenia (Humanitas, Zavod Mladinska Mreza MaAMa) and Czechia (Ekumenická akademie, Spolek zastáncu detskych práv) participated in person, while INNOVED from Greece joined virtually via Zoom.

During the 1st day, partners got to know better each other, introduce themselves and their organizations in more details. On the top priority of the agenda was to discuss any organisational issues, such as the finalisation of the project’s Logo, and the workshops planned and to set the dates for local and national workshops in Austria, Greece, Slovenia, Chechia, Italy and Serbia.

The 2nd day of the meeting, partners agreed on the dates of the 1st Youth Conference in Vienna, 2nd TPM in Serbia, 2nd Youth Conference in Prague and EU Roundtable on Brussels and brainstormed on their agendas.

The YouPart project will empower the political participation of disadvantaged youth in 6 Central & Eastern Europe and Balkan countries in three phases by providing opportunities to find and formulate demands and wishes (Engage), discuss and connect them transnationally (Connect) and voice these demands to politicians on different decision-making levels (Empower).

Stay tuned for the implementation of the workshops and training activities planned for the Citizenship Education and Civic participation in youth work!

Save the date for the 3 transnational mobilities!

  • Youth Conference in Vienna: 13th – 17th June 2022
  • Youth Conference in Prague: 29th September – 3rd October 2022
  • EU Roundtable in Brussels: during December 2022