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Food Hygiene Training Program

Food Hygiene Training Program

The Center for Lifelong Learning  KAINOTOMIA, organizes training programs on Food Hygiene.
Target Audience;
Personnel in businesses that produce, process, store, transport, distribute food or engage in retail, food distribution, bulk catering and confectionery or are food production or processing laboratories. These undertakings are required to train all their personnel handling foodstuffs, in accordance with the procedure described in Ministerial Decision 14708 / 17-08-07. The above training may only exclude personnel holding a valid diploma or certificate or proof of attendance at an education or training program.

What does the program include?
The content of the program consists of the principles of HACCP and its implementation as well as 8 sections that are discussed below:
-Introduction to food safety
-Microorganisms and their characteristics
-Food poisons and their prevention
-Personal Hygiene and Food Handler Behavior
-Cleaning Practices
-Common defilements and control of them
-Food Hygiene Legislation

Duration & Cost of the Program:
The Healthy Food Training Program, organized by the Lifelong Learning Kainotomia Center, is a total of 10 hours and takes 2 days to complete.
* Training hours are tailored to the needs of trainees.
The cost of the program is 100 € and is divided into:
30 € Fee
70 € Training Cost

For the Application for Enrollment in the Lifelong Learning Center  KAINOTOMIA:
1.Registration Form (provided by Lifelong Learning Center 2 Innovations)
2.Copy of Police Identity Card
3.Official copy of a document stating VAT and ID
4.A deposit of fifty euros (50 €).

Training Certificate – Certificate
Upon completion of the training program, provisional certificates will be issued by the Lifelong Learning Center Innovation.
At the end of the program, trainees are subjected to a written test (exams) in order to be evaluated. The examinations will take place at points and at a time specified by the EFET. However, official certificates issued by the EFET will be sent directly to the beneficiaries.
For more information & registration call 2410 555 590-Swkratoys 111-Nea Smyrni-Larissa

Implementation Dates

Contact us / ​​Open for applications all year round


Larisa, Lifelong training


10 hours

Participation fee


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