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HATEBUSTERS: Youth Against Hate

HATEBUSTERS: Youth Against Hate

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Summary of the project

Hate targeting specific groups of people is realized in both speech and action. It is grounded on ideology and prejudices that are modified culturally and are enforced in everyday interaction. According to the latest data from the website of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) the hate crime rate in some countries is worryingly increasing, while in Greece the hate crime reported cases has been tripled in 2017.

Hate speech covers many forms of expressions which spread, incite, promote or justify hatred, violence and discrimination against a person or group of persons for a variety of reasons, which poses grave dangers for the cohesion of a democratic society, the protection of human rights and the rule of law.

HateBusters: Youth Against Hate is a 24-month projects which aims to enhance the skills of young people in order to deal with hate speech, both online and in everyday, interpersonal relationships. The project will engage a consortium made of 5 partners: an NGO from Austria, a Lifelong Learning Center from Greece, an international NGO from Italy, an NGO from Denmark and an SME from Poland.

The project aims to:

  • develop and disseminate tools and mechanisms  for youth workers and young people for recognizing, identifying and classifying hate speech online and offline
  • properly inform young people about hate speech
  • promote shared values, equality, human rights and non-discrimination and social inclusion of young people especially those that often are victims of racist incidents and hate speech offline and online.

The project is adressed to:

  • young people
  • youth workers, trainers, educators, teachers and NGO members
  • young people at risk of marginalization and of migrant background

HateBusters Outputs

The first intellectual output (ΙΟ1) is a digital guide that has as target group young activists, youth workers and members of  organizations, associations, or grassroots movements with the aim to:

-offer them theoretical and practical knowledge for the proper recognition, identification and classification of different forms of hate speech and its impact on young people

-introduce the self-regulation theory and mindfulness as well as individual and social responsibility of young people and human rights education as central elements of a democratic and pluralistic digital and offline society against hate

-equip them with the know-how, tools and methods for building a bottom-up campaign against the perceiving and rising problem as hate speech.


The second intellectual output (IO2) is a complete campaign and a guide that has as an aim to combat hate speech both in an online and offline level through the promotion of democracy and the common values of freedom, tolerance and respect of human rights.

The IO2 will have the following sub-outputs:

-4 HateBusters Educational and Awareness Building Videos

“The Lazy Person’s Guide to become a HateBuster”: Mobilisation of Young People Guide

-HateBusters Online Campaign.

The third intellectual output (IO3) is a mobile app that will have the aim to educate both young people and youth workers on real life cases of hate speech. The app will include information about how to recognize hate speech, different levels of hate speech and how to respond/address it. The app will have two profiles one for youth workers-educators and one for young people. The app apart from the information part, will include a simulation game where the user will choose a profile and he/she will respond to hate speech cases.

The Partnership


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Südwind is working in development education and awareness raising for 40 years. With a headquarter in Vienna and 7 regional offices in theprovinces (ca 50 staff) it reaches out to local actors all over Austria. Südwind applies the unique international development expertise it has acquired to both its teaching work, particularly „Global Learning“, and its awareness raising and Campaign work. The diversity of Südwind’s projects reflects the complexity of North-South relations, culturally, economically, environmentally, politically, and interpersonally. Südwind is committed to
environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable development. Being originally founded by the Austrian Youth Council for Development
Cooperation youth work has always been at the heart of Südwinds work next to awareness raising and formal education.

Crossing Borders-partner, Copenhagen, Denmark

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Crossing Borders (CB) is a non-profit, non-partisan civil society organisation. The vision of CB is a world in peace with itself in which diversity is celebrated. The mission is to create dialogue space toward such a world and to build the capacity of youth, media workers and educators realise the above vision. The overall goal is to enable people with different backgrounds to learn to live together on equal terms. Crossing Borders started as a project in 1999 in Denmark in support of meaningful dialogue between the conflict parties in the Middle East. In response to increased activities and demands for the CB concept and services, it was transformed, in 2004, into a dynamic organisation with activities in Denmark and abroad.

MINE VAGANTI NGO -partner, Sassari, Italy

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Mine Vaganti NGO is a no-profit organisation born in Sardinia in 2009, whose services encompass Education and Training, Project Design, Research, International Mobility and Consultancy.MVNGO promotes intercultural dialogue, social and green entrepreneurship, social inclusion through Sport, Formal and Non Formal Education. MVNGO is part of 3 international networks such as YEE, ISCA and MV International.MVNGO has a consultant role for public and private bodies in order to promote and develop European and trans-continental projects in Youth/Adults/VET/HEI/Sport Sectors. MVNGO works on Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, Cosme, Europe for Citizens, Creative Europe,EuropeAid, EaSi, Life+, IEE, the United Nations programmes (UNDEF) and with foundations such as EYF, Fondazione con il Sud, Anna Lindh and Open Society.

Ke.Di.Vi.M2 KAINOTOMIA  – partner, Larissa, Greece

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“KAINOTOMIA” is a Center for Lifelong Learning (I.C.L.L) in Greece, operating in the field of Vocational education and training. KAINOTOMIA has implemented more than 60 continuous vocational training programs targeted at unemployed people, educators of all education levels, students of higher education, employed/self-employed persons and vulnerable social groups, for the development of professional opportunities and their promotion and integration into the labour market and the society in general, through innovative close to market programs.“KAINOTOMIA” provide business consultancy to companies & supporting services and consulting support services to trainees to facilitate their (re) entrance into the labour market. KAINOTOMIA has participated in several national projects, offering a high degree of expertise regarding training in contemporary fields, matching them with those that have a high demand in job’s market, in order to develop trainees’ knowledge, skills and attitudes towards their integration in the labour market.“KAINOTOMIA” has been participating in co funded national projects under the name of “local development plans and entrepreneurship for unemployed based on specific local needs and growth potential”. Furthermore, it has participated in EU projects, under Erasmus+, as a coordinator and partner.

DANMAR COMPUTERS SP ZOO – partner, Rszezow, Poland

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Danmar Computers LLC is a private company operating in the field of Information Technology and providing vocational training in this field. Danmar has an extensive experience in developing modern Web and mobile applications that are used for educational purposes. Danmar also has long-term experience of carrying out European projects within which company’s R&D staff conducts research and prepares trainings tailored to the needs of various learners.

HateBusters Attachments 


HateBusters Guide: How to Build a bottom-up campaign against Hate



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Hatebusters project 3rd Transnational Meeting in Larissa

Hatebusters project 3rd Transnational Meeting in Larissa

On the 13th and 14rth of October, the partnership of the Hatebusters project implemented the 3rd Transnational meeting face-to-face in Larissa, with host organization KAINOTOMIA. In this face-to-face meeting, SUDWIND VEREIN FUR ENTWICKLUNGSPOLITIK UND GLOBALE GERECHTIGKEIT and DANMAR COMPUTERS SP ZOO participated online due to national restrictions. HateBusters: Youth Against Hate is a 24-month projects which aims [...]
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