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Call2Nature- Boosting youth towards Responsible and sustainAble choices in fashioN inDustry

Call2Nature- Boosting youth towards Responsible and sustainAble choices in fashioN inDustry

Implementation Period

01/11/2022 – 31/10/2024

Project Number


Summary of the project

Young people are increasingly disconnected from reality and their physical environment due to the use of smartphones. Urbanisation also contributes to the ‘virtualisation’ of the natural, physical environment, making it harder to empathise with nature.

In this context, Call2Nature, a 24-month Erasmus+ project wants to develop activities that will reacquaint young people with their natural environment and inspire them to take action to promote and protect it. Call2Nature will raise awareness of how young people use their smartphones and encourage better use and reconnection with their natural environment.

The Call2Nature project has the following target groups:

  • young people
  • youth trainers
  • stakeholders and partners
  • local communities

The Call2Nature project aims to achieve the following objectives:
– To define healthy and unhealthy use of smartphones and support young people to make the difference between smart and abusive use of technologies,

– To develop a training program oriented towards the smart use of digital tools and their use to defend our natural environment and well-being,

– to encourage a sense of initiative, involvement and participation of young people in promoting sustainable values

– To equip youth trainers with the knowledge and tools to implement this educational proposal


Project Results

The Youth auto-evaluation tool about their digital practice. Thanks to this evaluation tool, young people will discover whether the use of technology is purely virtual entertainment or whether it is suitable to become active influencers of good causes. They will question their relationship with the virtual and physical environment and the interaction between the two. The evaluation tool will be web-based, short, with no more than 20 questions, will focus on specific awareness-oriented situations and will demonstrate, in the results, the positive elements of the practice that could be valued as most useful.

The Reconnect to nature programme. It will be an experience that aims to reconnect with nature and will deprive youth of access to the digital connected discourse for a while. Young people will share together a community experience that will bring them back to the basis of our social interactions, so that they can better understand the need to protect our nature and our relationships with others and our environment. This will elaborate a training program geared towards defending our natural environment and our well-being, as its outcomes will focus on a method that connects youth to nature.

Education for smart use of smartphones. A platform that will enable online collaboration and propose a set of practical and connected activities with additional digital input. This platform will host the previous material, but also various modules aimed at improving young people’s skills in specific digital areas, such as social networking education, identifying reliable information sources, online design tools, creating short impact messages and videos, online signatures, online activism, etc. It will also include online activities for practical application. The partners will also prepare a methodological document addressed to youth trainers and stakeholders for the use of the online training platform and the implementation of the proposed activities, with an explanation of the competences addressed in each one, etc. in a similar way as it was done for the decoupled activities.

The Partnership

APS Polygonal – coordinator, Italy

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Polygonal is a non-profit organization active in the field of education and empowerment, e-learning opportunities for digital skills upgrading, focusing largely on grassroots activities involving different kinds of target groups, such as seniors, minors, migrants, vulnerable adults and youth. It was originally created by an informal group of young people in 2017, who wanted to create an innovative hub for locals in a rural area on the outskirts of Rome. The main fields of work are related to innovative practices in digital education for social change, taking care of the need of all groups at risk of suffering from a rural background.


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Το Green Village προσφέρει τις υπηρεσίες του από το 1994 στην παραθαλάσσια πόλη του Ξυλοκάστρου, στην Πελοπόννησο. Μια οικογενειακή μικρομεσαία επιχείρηση από την ίδρυσή της, ήταν μια από τις πρώτες τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις σε ολόκληρη την περιοχή που προσέφερε μια “κοινοτική” εμπειρία διαμονής: Το Green Village αποτελείται από 20 ανεξάρτητες βίλες μέσα σε έναν μεσογειακό κήπο γεμάτο από αυτοφυή φυτά και δέντρα, τα οποία σε συνδυασμό με τις καλά σχεδιασμένες υπηρεσίες και πραγματικά προσφέρουν μια αίσθηση χωριού σε στους επισκέπτες και τους φιλοξενούμενους. Το GV παρέχει τις υπηρεσίες του κάθε χρόνο από το 1994 σε εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες επισκέπτες και επισκέπτες. Εκτός από τις συνήθεις υπηρεσίες που σχετίζονται με τον τουρισμό και τη φιλοξενία (όπως διαμονή, πρωινό κ.λπ.) και τη διοργάνωση/φιλοξενία διαφόρων συνεδρίων και επιχειρηματικών εκδηλώσεων, η GV εστιάζει πάντα στην οικοδόμηση της κοινότητας, τον πολιτισμό και την εκπαίδευση. Η GV διοργανώνει τακτικά ξεναγήσεις σε ιστορικούς χώρους, εκθέσεις τέχνης, εκπαιδευτικά σεμινάρια και εργαστήρια για περιβαλλοντικά θέματα, καθώς και δραστηριότητες παιχνιδιού και μάθησης για παιδιά. Οι πρωτοβουλίες αυτές διαδραματίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην πολιτιστική ζωή του Ξυλοκάστρου, καθώς η GV έχει στενές επαφές με τις τοπικές αρχές και την τοπική κοινότητα γενικότερα. Όπως ένα από τις πιο φιλικές προς την οικογένεια εγκαταστάσεις στην περιοχή, οι κύριες ομάδες-στόχοι είναι οι ελληνικές οικογένειες, αλλά και οι διεθνείς επισκέπτες από όλο τον κόσμο.


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MEUS is a private organisation based in Valencia, Spain, which aims to improve the competencies of people in their environment, both professionally and privately. Thus, it focuses on developing the skills of individuals at every stage of their lives, from school to adult education.
In line with the European strategy related to education, MEUS is working on the development of new educational material and methodologies adapted to the different needs of the objectives and the market, thus improving labour market integration. MEUS is an expert in new learning methods, based on participative and collaborative learning modes. Training activities are based on experiential education and learning by doing, with the aim of keeping trainees on their toes, so that they can learn new skills in a fun way. MEUS makes extensive use of gamification, developing challenges that learners have to overcome individually or as groups.

KAINOTOMIA & SIA EE – partner, Greece

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“KAINOTOMIA” is a Level 2 Lifelong Learning Centre (K.DI.VI.M2) in Greece, which is active in the field of Vocational Education and Training. KAINOTOMIA has implemented more than 60 continuing vocational training programmes for unemployed people, teachers of all levels of education, higher education students, employees/self-employed and vulnerable social groups, for the development of professional opportunities and their promotion and integration into the labour market and society in general, through innovative programmes. “KAINOTOMIA” provides consultancy services to enterprises and support and advisory services to trainees to facilitate their (re)entry into the labour market. “KAINOTOMIA” has participated in several national projects, offering a high degree of expertise in training in modern fields, combining them with those that are in high demand in the labour market in order to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of trainees for their integration into the labour market. Furthermore, “KAINOTOMIA” participates in co-funded national programmes called “local development and entrepreneurship projects for unemployed people based on specific local needs and development potential”.

Civil Connections Community Foundation – partner, Denmark

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CCCF’s goal is to increase the value and achievements of international development initiatives with local grassroots communities by building bridges for usually inaccessible local grassroots development actors (especially rural ones) (CSOs, POs, etc.) by equipping them with exposure, capacity, incentives and guidance for long-term sustainability. Focus strategically on grassroots local communities as an area of high inequality and some of the most profound development challenges. And of course, this is where over 70%, and in some regions up to over 85% of the world’s population – usually the most vulnerable – make their living (UN, 2018).


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SMARTUP N.B SYSTEMATIC MANAGEMENT S.L. is the leading online provider of project management and e-training services based in Jávea (Spain), a rather small coastal town on the Costa Blanca, with the particularity of being a vibrant business ecosystem, given that half of its permanent population and more than two-thirds of its annual visitors are immigrants.
SMARTUP helps private companies, as well as public institutions, NGOs and individuals from all over the world, to achieve their goals by applying the SMART philosophy.

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