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ARTEMIS preventing sexuAl haRassmenT & abusE aMong prImary school Students

ARTEMIS preventing sexuAl haRassmenT & abusE aMong prImary school Students

Implementation Period

01/11/2023 – 31/10/2025

Project Number


Summary of the project

ARTEMIS is a 24-month Erasmus Plus project which aims to raise awareness of the difficult phenomenon of peer-on-peer sexual harassment. The partners realised that although this is a phenomenon with increasing behaviours, there is little research and guidance for teachers on how to recognise and combat the occurrence of such behaviours in classrooms. Therefore, the partnership decided to develop the necessary resources for teachers.

Target Groups

  • Primary school teachers, who play an important role in identifying and responding to sexual harassment suffered by pupils
  • Staff of the participating organisations


  • To enhance understanding among primary school teachers about gender diversity and the impact of gender
    on sexual harassment among peers in primary school
  • To improve the capacity of primary school teachers in dealing with sexual harassment behaviours among classroom peers
  • To increase interdisciplinary cooperation between the participating organisations
  • To increase the visibility of the project and multiply its impact, key messages and result

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Event “Social Skills and New Digital Reality”

Event “Social Skills and New Digital Reality”

In the modern world of technology and information, training is no longer limited to traditional frameworks. Digital learning and innovation are revolutionizing education. In this context, the Lifelong Learning Centre KAINOTOMIA and the Association of Thessalian Businesses and Industries (S.Th.E.V.) implemented the interactive event "Social Skills and New Digital Reality" on Monday 7 October. The [...]
The 1st EDU4Food Newsletter is now available!

The 1st EDU4Food Newsletter is now available!

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 Project Results

An up-to-date guide will be created to provide the necessary information, training and empowerment for primary school teachers to better recognise and address sexual harassment among peers. The guide will build on UNICEF’s 2016 Global Guidance on addressing school-related gender-based violence to strengthen existing materials by focusing specifically on peer sexual harassment in primary schools. The guide will include three sections: theory, implications, types.

Two 3D films of 5 minutes each will be created. Animated films are a powerful pedagogical tool, combining audio messages with adapted visual cues and graphics, therefore serving the dual functions of explaining complex concepts and engaging students’ interest in the learning process. The short films will be accompanied by a 10-page electronic document with additional notes to help teachers approach the topic of the short films.

A short Policy Brief which will support the benefits of integrating the material developed under the ARTEMIS project into the learning objects of educational institutions.

The Partnership


collège Joseph Lagrosillière – coordinator partner, France

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες
Collège Joseph Lagrosillière (CJL) is a junior high school located in the North of Martinique, an overseas French island. This
educational institution is committed to providing a well-rounded general education to students in years 7 to 10 with the
added focus of meeting the needs of special-needs students. The school community is deeply committed to tackling the challenge of school bullying through participating in the national
educational program, pHARe.


Περισσότερες πληροφορίες
UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO is one of the oldest and most prestigious Italian universities. With around 70,500 students, 3,650 academic, administrative and technical staff and 1,800 postgraduate and postdoctoral students, and 120 buildings in different areas of Turin and in key locations in the Piedmont, the University of Turin can be considered a “city within the city”, promoting culture and generating research, innovation, training and employment. It organises courses in all areas of the city. It offers over 150 undergraduate and postgraduate courses and has a remarkable research tradition. Its research centres in medical diagnostics, biosensing and nanotechnology are among the most important. UniTo is actively involved at international level through its participation in international projects.

KAINOTOMIA & SIA EU – partner, Greece

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες
“KAINOTOMIA” is a Lifelong Learning Centre (K.DI.V.M.) in Greece, which is active in the field of Vocational Education and Training. KAINOTOMIA has implemented more than 60 continuous vocational training programmes for unemployed people, teachers of all levels of education, higher education students, employees/self-employed and vulnerable social groups, for the development of professional opportunities and their promotion and integration into the labour market and society in general, through innovative programmes. “KAINOTOMIA” provides consultancy services to enterprises and support and advisory services to trainees to facilitate their (re)entry into the labour market. “KAINOTOMIA” has participated in several national projects, offering a high degree of expertise in training in modern fields, combining them with those that are in high demand in the labour market in order to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of trainees for their integration into the labour market. Furthermore, ‘KAINOTOMIA’ participates in co-funded national programmes called ‘local development and entrepreneurship projects for unemployed people based on specific local needs and development potential’.

Agrupamento de Escolas de Idães – partner, Portugal

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες
Agrupamento de Escolas de Idães, is a public school located near Porto, in northern Portugal. It consists of seven buildings. The school offers education from kindergarten to upper secondary education. Its staff consists of 50 employees and 114 teachers. The school has been invited to share its expertise and best practices in various Erasmus projects. As of January 2023, the school has been accredited as an Erasmus+ school until the end of 2027 and is part of a thematic consortium with two other schools in Portugal – one near Lisbon and the other in the Algarve.

Agrupamento de Escolas do Barreiro – partner, Portugal

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες
AEB is a public school cluster in Barreiro, Portugal, which includes a kindergarten, primary and secondary school, as well as a
a teacher professional development centre called CFECBM, which incorporates 13 school complexes. The AEB has modern infrastructure, including classrooms, a library, projectors and a Future Classroom Lab that supports European projects. The AEB has gained recognition as a reference institution in European projects, taking significant steps towards internationalisation. AEB is a school committed to promoting environmental education and sustainability among its students.

Associacio Programes Educatius Open Europe – partner, Spain

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες
OpenEurope is a non-profit organisation based in Reus (Spain). It is an education and training centre that offers informal and non-formal learning opportunities to adults and young people, youth workers and adults and helps them to participate in European projects. The association was created by teachers and trainees of different ages, social status and national origins, who recognise that in the modern world they are teachers and students at the same time and we are all direct or indirect participants in this lifelong process. All the projects and initiatives of the organisation aim to involve teachers, teachers, professors, students and the whole community in the implementation of projects and programmes that seek a lifelong learning process. OpenEurope offers training in various areas: adult education, school education and vocational education and training.

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