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The 2nd FINER Brochure is now Αvailable!

We're delighted to present to you the remarkable results of the Finer Project! Showcasing three innovative outcomes that will revolutionize personal and professional development for young adults. Dive into our brochure to explore the FINER Well-Being E-Book—an interactive guide addressing crucial well-being topics. Don't miss

The 3nd BRAND project newsletter is now available!

The BRAND project partners gathered in Larissa, in order to try out with the participants the first result of the project called "BRAND Ecological Fashion Toolbox". As an effort to raise ecological awareness about the clothing market, the BRAND project offers the appropriate tools to

Read the 1st Newsletter of the RECOVER project here!

One of the most important issues afflicting modern society is none other than unemployment. The RECOVER: European Youth for a Green Recover project aims to combat this problem by supporting green entrepreneurship. The project consortium aims to train young people and youth workers/trainers on green

RECOVER Project, an e-leaflet with all you need to discover!

RECOVER: European Youth for a Green Recover is a visionary initiative committed to combat youth unemployment by promoting green entrepreneurship in alignment with the EU's eco-friendly transitions. Our mission includes empowering young individuals with environmental literacy, equipping them with green and digital technology skills, and

e-SELLER The 2nd Newsletter is now available!

Fostering the digital transformation of the European retail sector! Six European Organisations from Greece, Poland and Germany, focus on training on digital tools essential in the highly digital world we live in.  After research on the ways in which retailing currently operates in rural areas