Second Transnational Project Meeting of PRIORITY
Second Transnational Meeting DARE: “DisAble the barRiErs”
Opportunity for 1 person with disabilities to participate in an educational activity in Pisa, Italy!
DARE Learning, Teaching and Training Activity Implementation Dates: November 11-17, 2019, 5 days training (2 days travel) Covered costs: 100% hotel accommodation covered by the organization hosting the activity as well as food costs (lunch, dinner). Total travel costs 275 EUR per person are also
2nd Transnational Meeting on the IMPROVE project in London
Opportunity to participate in the DARE Working Group
1st Priority Newsletter
PRRIOTITY: PRomotIng Open Resilient Inclusive socieTIes for Youth is an innovative project Key Action 3, Strategic Partnerships for Support for Reforming Policy, funded by the Erasmus + program, involving youth organizations, networks and youth, cultural and sports organizations as well as private and public entities
1ST Capacity Building Activity for the European Program PRIORITY: “PRomotIng Open Resilient Inclusive socieTIes for Youth”
The 1st capacity building within the framework of the European program ERASMUS + KA3 ” PRIORITY: PRomotIng Open Resilient Inclusive socieTIes for Youth ” is being held in Larissa at the Center of Lifelong Learning “Innovation” from 26/6 /19 to 28 / 6 / 2019.
Report of the multiplier event for the dissemination of the project’s outputs
Yesterday on 20-6-2019, Ke.Di.Vi.M2 Innovation organized a multiplier event dedicated to the dissemination of the intellectual outputs of the European Erasmus + project eduDrone, within the presence of 30 participants. The event was attended by representatives of the University of Thessaly and people coming from
5th Transnational Meeting of the eduDrone «Drone technology training to boost EU entrepreneurship and Industry 4.0» project in Bucharest
The Fifth Transnational Meeting took place on Friday 7/6/2019 in Bucharest, Romania, and was hosted at the premises of the Romanian Partner, at the “Politehnica University of Bucharest” (UPB Camis). Issues such as the following where discussed: -the completion of the four intellectual outputs of