The Center of Life Long Learning “Kainotomia” has successfully participated in the 2nd Transnational Meeting of the European project Erasmus + IMPROVE: Innovative Metodologies and PRactices On VEt, held on 22-23 /7/2019 in London. The meeting took place at the premises of the English partner-organization and coordinator FAI: Find an Internship, with the presence of all project partners.
During the meeting the new partners were introduced and the partnership discussed the so far progress of the project results, set the deadlines and distributed responsibilities. In particular, the FAI partner-coordinator presented the project website, the Lifelong Learning Kainotomia presented the e-book draft that includes good practices in the field of vocational education and training and Informamentis Europa shared the project’s promoting brochure and leaflets.
If you wish to learn more about the progress and the news of the IMPROVE project you can visit the project’ s Facebook page: