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Comparative Transnational Report & Framework of knowledge for youth | EU VALUES

The Erasmus+ EU Values project is a 24-month project which aims to promote practical knowledge about Europe and to strengthen their skills linked to active participation, inclusion, diversity, prosperity and sustainability. The project involves partners from Greece, Spain, Italy, Greece, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and the Netherlands.

The first output of the project is the Comparative Transnational Report & Knowledge Framework for Youth. The Framework aims to assess the current level of young people’s knowledge of EU values and to identify their further needs through research and focus groups. The survey focused on young people’s perceptions of the EU, their awareness of its role, institutions, policies, opportunities and potential knowledge gaps.

The results of the survey have been shared on the Eu Values project website and are available in an interactive format.

In addition, the Comparative Transnational Report & Youth Knowledge Framework are also available, on the project website, in English.

This output is addressed to young people and those working with young people, such as youth trainers, counsellors, teachers, associations and NGOs.