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Hatebusters project 3rd Transnational Meeting in Larissa

On the 13th and 14rth of October, the partnership of the Hatebusters project implemented the 3rd Transnational meeting face-to-face in Larissa, with host organization KAINOTOMIA. In this face-to-face meeting, SUDWIND VEREIN FUR ENTWICKLUNGSPOLITIK UND GLOBALE GERECHTIGKEIT and DANMAR COMPUTERS SP ZOO participated online due to national restrictions.

HateBusters: Youth Against Hate is a 24-month projects which aims to enhance the skills of young people in order to deal with hate speech, both online and in everyday, interpersonal relationships. The project will engage a consortium made of 5 partners: an NGO from Austria, a Lifelong Learning Center from Greece, an international NGO from Italy, an NGO from Denmark and an SME from Poland.

During the meeting, each partner presented the status quo of the Intellectual Outputs and provided ideas on the upcoming tasks, regarding the project. More specifically, throughout this face-to-face transnational meeting was:

  • Discussed the status of the Intellectual Output 1
  • Discussed the status of the Intellectual Output 2
  • Discussed the next steps regarding Intellectual Output 3
  • Discussed the quality control and project management aspects

Stay tuned to always keep track of the progress of our project!