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Second Transnational Meeting DARE: “DisAble the barRiErs”

Ke.Di.Vi.M2 Kainotomia organized in Larissa, 12-13/9/2019, the second transnational meeting of the EU project DARE: “DisAble the barRiErs” in which it participates as a partner organization. At the meeting, representatives of the partner organizations were present, JKPeV from Dresden, Germany (lead partner), DANMAR Computers from Rzeszów, Poland, Aforisma from Pisa, Italy, and Kreisau Initiative from Berlin, Germany. The purpose of the meeting was to:
– to discuss the progress of the project so far
-to discuss the progress and development of the first intellectual outputs IO1 – DARE Practical Guide for Inclusion and IO2 – DARE Digital Storytelling Handbook for empowerment
-to distribute responsibilities between partners and finalization of deadlines for subsequent transnational project meetings
-to discuss the forthcoming learning, teaching and training activity of the project (LTTA) to be held in Pisa, Italy, 11-17 /11/2019

Project Purpose
DARE: DisAble the barRiErs is a 24 month project that has as an aim to empower youth organizations and youth workers into implementing more inclusive youth mobility projects for young people with special needs and especially young people with visual/hearing/physical impairments through 4 innovative products (DARE practical guide of inclusion, DARE manual of empowerment, Truth and Dare Space and DARE app).

Read more about DARE’s results and activities on the project’s website

Follow the project’s news and activities in its FB page