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Introducing the PiP brochure!

It is well known that citizens of peripheries have fewer opportunities than those that live in large cities, in the field of employment, culture, and education.

Prospects In Peripheries (PIP) aims in mapping the problem, researching and sharing carefully selected fact-based smart practices of how to change the narrative of the peripheries from marginalisation to local success. Further, in PIP the goal is to encourage unemployed citizens of all ages from peripheral, often structurally weak, border regions to create, develop for implementation project ideas that increase prospects for people in their regions, albeit enabling community workers and peripheral citizens to make a durable positive impact on their regions and their own future.

Download and read the promotional brochure of the Prospects in Peripheries project, and learn more about its aim, objectives, and prospective results!

Check also our project’s awesome website! 

Keep up with the project’s news and upcoming activities at Kainotomia’s FB page!