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2nd Transnational meeting for StartCraft project

On the 16th of June, the CamaraBelux organised the second consortium meeting of the StartCraft project. Due to national restrictions in partner countries the meeting held online with the mutual contribution of all partners. StartCraftis a 26-month project which aims to point out the training needs of

The 2nd Newsletter of Eucycle is ready!

We are pleased to announce that the 2nd Newsletter of Eucycle is now available. Take a look inside and find useful  information on: the progress of the intellectual outputs the task and activities that have been implemented so far the partners' 2nd Transnational Virtual Project

Kick-off Meeting for the IDEAL project

The IDEAL: “Improving Digital Education for All Learners” is a project developed by the IDEAL Consortium, led by Cogito Development Projects, in response to the rapid changes that occurred in the education and skills sector during the COVID-19 pandemic project. The Kick-off Meeting of the

Kick-off Meeting for the Digi4SME project

The kick-off meeting for the Digi4SME: “Digital Competences of VET Trainers for SME” project was successfully completed online on the 29th of April 2021, with the Diciannove Società Cooperativa from Italy, as the leading partner. Objectives The Digi4SME project’s key objective is to make a meaningful contribution to the

Kick-off Meeting for the DigiER project

The kick-off meeting for the DigiER: “Digital transborder Entrepreneurship Readiness” project was successfully completed online on the 27th of May 2021, with the REGIONALNA IZBA GOSPODARCZA W KATOWICACH from Poland, as the leading partner. Objectives The DigiER project’s key objective is to raise awareness on effective of digital transborder

Kick-off Meeting for the TeleGrow project

The kick-off meeting for the TeleGrow: “Enhancing the Teleworking Digital Skills for the Middle aged employees” project was successfully completed online on the 20th of April 2021, with the FLORIDA CENTRE DE FORMACIÓ, COOP. V from Spain, as the leading partner. ObjectivesTelegrow project mainly aims

The 1st Newsletter of Eucycle is ready!

We are pleased to announce that the 1st  Newsletter of Eucycle is now available. Take a look inside and find useful  information on: the progress of the intellectual outputs the task and activities that have been implemented so far the partners' virtual meeting held on

Young Mediator Capacity Building Activities

In the framework of PRIORITY project, KAINOTOMIA has implemented the “Young Mediator Capacity Building” Training in two rounds, by which the first dated from 17th of March 2021 to the 19th of March 2021, while the second took place from 7th of April 2021 to the 9th of April

IDEA 3rd Virtual Meeting

IDEA Partnership came together on Friday 9th of April 2021, for a fruitful online meeting to discuss among else about the next project milestones and activities! More specifically, the agenda of the meeting included: IO2/Interactive toolset supporting Development of Educators of Adults’ skills in Boosting

PIP Transnational Report on the Peripheries

We are really glad to announce to you that the first Intellectual Output, PIP Transnational Report: Peripheries Smart Practices and Challenges Report, of our Project, Prospects In Peripheries (PIP) is ready! The first intellectual output (ΙΟ1) is a mapping of the challenges and prospects in