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PRIORITY Methodology is Ready!

The new PRIORITY Guide (PRIORITY METHODOLOGY) is a collaborative result of the project partners from 4 EU countries, aiming to provide tools and methods in order to address the challenges of social inclusion, using art, intercultural mediation, civic education and sports as key pillars. This

Third Transnational Meeting DARE: “DisAble the barRiErs”

Ke.Di.Vi.M2 Kainotomia travelled in Rzeszow, 17-18/2/2020, for the third transnational meeting of the EU project DARE: "DisAble the barRiErs" in which it participates as a partner organization. At the meeting, hosted by DANMAR Computers from Rzeszów, representatives of the partner organizations were present, JKPeV from

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Training

The initial training for the European Programme Erasmus For Young Entrepreneurs, took place in Brussels, from 18 to 19 of February at the premises of the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW). Purpose of this initial training session was to train

Kick-off meeting of FACIT project

The kick-off meeting for the FACIT project was successfully completed on 9-11th of February. Host and coordinator of the meeting was the organization Integra Onlus in Rome. Place of the meeting was the Gregorian Pontifician University . During the meeting, each organization presented its actions

Prospects In Peripheries Kick-off Meeting in Copenhagen

The kick-off meeting of the project Prospects In Peripheries has successfully taken place on the 14th and 15th of January 2020, in Copenhagen, Denmark, in the premises of the leading partner "Crossing Borders". The meeting was coordinated by Crossing Borders and attended by representatives of

Fourth Trasnational Meeting for the IMPROVE project in Larisa!

Ke.Di.Vi.M2 Kainotomia organized in Larissa, on 7-8/1/2020, the fourth transnational meeting of the EU project in IMPROVE: Innovative Methodologies and Practices on VET, in which it participates as a partner organization. The meeting was implemented with the presence of representatives of all the partner organizations:

RETAIL Kick-off Meeting in Dublin

On the 1st of December 2019, DUBLIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, partner of the RETAIL: “Retailers Partnership Promoting Education for the Transition of the Industry Toward Enduring Business Models” project, organised and hosted in, Dublin, Ireland, the first transnational project meeting. The partnership discused and decided